Privacy Policy

Tekno Valves recognises the importance of maintaining user’s privacy and appreciate your trust in us. This policy illustrates what we collect and how we treat information provided by visitors’ / users’ of our website.

Information we never collect

We NEVER collect any information of any payment instruments e.g. credit card, wallets, net banking, etc.

Information we may collect

We may collect user contact informatione.g. Name, Email, mobile number, postal address and IP address.

Example of other information which may be collected,

  • Your IP address
  • Detail of device you are using
  • Detail of operating system of your device
  • Browser you are using.
  • Which website you came from
  • Duration of your stay on our website
  • Web-pages assessed by you
  • Downloads by you
  • Which website you visit while leaving us.

By visiting and/or using our website, user is agreeing to the collection of these information.